We have compiled a list of resources that may be of use as you learn programming:
- This R package was created to teach introductory material for R. It's a pretty cool package that you install and use within RStudio, and it will interactively teach you basic R materials!
- Google is your most valuable resource. We cannot emphasize this enough!! If you encounter an issue (e.g. error message), chances are somebody else has also encountered it and has asked about it. Googling your error messages is one of the best debugging strategies there is. In particular, try to find links to the website This forum-based website has all the answers, possibly literally (although they may be snarky).
- This website contains material which will appear in an upcoming book "R for Data Science", and currently contains some excellent and concise tutorials and exercises for using R to cleanly analyze datasets. In general, the material found on Hadley Wickham's website is a great resource for learning and using R
Instructor Guidelines
You can find the instructor guidelines for posting material as well as helpful hints for developing you presentation here.